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Issue 6

Term 1 and Upcoming Events (Photos and registration)

Reunions & Events
Laura Vatousios
Term 1 and Upcoming Events (Photos and registration)

On the 1st of March, OPGA hosted the 10 Year Reunion for the Classes of 2013 and 2014 in Mornington.

Attended by over 60 alumni members, it was a fantastic event with many memories shared across the evening. Thank you to our alumni ambassadors for helping spread the word about this special milestone. Photos from the event can be found at

OPGA hosted the 30/40 Year Reunion for the Classes of 1994 and 1984 on Saturday the 23rd of March.

Over 60 alumni members came back to school and joined us in the Harry Macdonald Pavilion for drinks and canapes, as well as a school tour.

We want to thank Chris Dickman '84 and Matthew McKenzie '94 for being our class ambassadors and ensuring many of their peers were aware of this event. OPGA wants to remind everyone about the importance of updating your details in our database, to stay connected both to OPGA and your peers. Head to

All photos from this event can be found at

OPGA were impressed to find a well kept school blazer and tie worn to the reunion!
A special thank you to Mr Phil Mannes for attending the 30/40 year reunion (Far right)

Upcoming reunions

Our next reunions include:

  • Penturion Club Lunch on Sunday the 28th of April, 12pm onwards. We invite all alumni from 1961 to 1974 to this special event, where we will enjoy a two course sit down lunch in the Harry Macdonald Pavilion at Peninsula Grammar. Joined by some of our early years staff, alumni are invited to reconnect and celebrate our history over lunch and drinks. The Class of 1974 will be inducted into the Penturion Club and a school tour will be on offer to interested guests. Partners welcome. Head to the Events page to secure your ticket now!
  • Past Staff Reunion - Venue TBC - Sunday 26 May. We invite all past staff to a reunion, to reconnect and share memories of your time as staff members of Peninsula. All welcome, a ticket link is coming soon so watch this space! In the meantime, please email Laura Vatousios at to register your interest in attending.
  • Interstate Reunions - Brisbane and Sydney - First week of June. If you are interested in attending a reunion in Sydney or Brisbane, please email Laura at All cohorts welcome.
  • 20 Year Reunion - Class of 2004 on Saturday 27th of July from 7pm at God's Kitchen. Tickets about to be released.
  • International Boarder's Reunion - Sunday 11 August at Peninsula Grammar 2pm to 5pm. This reunion is for all boarding house alumni from the 1990's to 2023. Please email to register your interest in attending.
  • Toorak/Peninsula Boarder's Reunion - Sunday 18 August in Mount Eliza (after a school tour). This reunion is for all boarding house alumni from the 1960's, 70's and 80's. Please email to register your interest in attending.
  • 5 Year Reunion - Friday 11 October at God's Kitchen, Mornington. Tickets released soon.
  • 1 Year Reunion - Friday 22nd November at God's Kitchen, Mornington. Tickets released soon.

Archives Volunteering Mornings

This year, together with OPGA, Archives will be running three ‘Archives Volunteering Mornings’ in the Harry Macdonald Pavilion. We invite all alumni and past staff to help date photographs, put names to faces and provide your own reflections/memories of your time at school through informal interviews. School tours will also be offered to interested guests and morning tea will be provided.

Dates include 7 May, 30 July and 15 October from 10am – 12pm.Register for one or more dates here: Archives Volunteering Morning

2023's Volunteering Morning - Informal Interviews and photo identification
National History Month / Volunteering in 2023

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Issue 6