David Clarke Reflection: If we did a DNA test on Peninsula what would it reveal?
I turned 61 the other day and it’s not a remarkable number but to many 61 IS a significant number, as it was in this year, 1961, that a ‘baby’ was born. This child was nurtured and raised by many, strengthening the idea that it truly ‘takes a village to raise a child’. They named the child ‘The Peninsula School’.
If we took a DNA test on this ‘child’ in 1961 it might reveal the following;
- An Old Melburnian Dinner, an accountant, an educator, a doctor, a vet, an aviator, a farmer, a soldier, a musician, a preacher, a parent, a sportsman, a stockbroker, a judge, a politician and a sprinkling of many other important traits so complex that we could not truly map them all.
Let’s now take this test in 1982, when I finished year 12 at Peninsula and what does it reveal to me?
- A Stephen Brennan pottery lesson
- An Ed Burston biology class
- A Phil Chapple applied maths class
- A ‘Rev Lev’ reflection on religion
- A Hilary Abeyaratne class pondering ‘the sum of person’s ideas and beliefs concerning something’
- A Doug Stainer concoction boiling in a test tube
- A Ken Walding impressionist piece
- A Kirkham madrigal choir
- “GrimmoBall” ( or European handball when Grimmo Ball was banned)
- Daryl Neal’s thoughts on Albert Camus
- Richard Jackson’s dance interpretation of Henry IV, part one
- Lance Hodgson’s sense of direction
- Mr Mannes’ finessed drop kick
- Richard Latchford’s good guyness (I’m sure it’s a word)
- Squizzy Taylor
- Dudley Clarke’s word of the day – “antidisestablishmentarianism”
- Heather Riley’s kind words, warmth and boarding house food
- Parents, carers, benefactors, mentors, and friends.
As you can see, the simplicity of conception around 1952 has matured into a complex and wonderful collective. Peninsula’s genetics are unique, and as it passes its hereditary from generation to generation, we will know that one trait will remain strong; the torch of learning and discovery (in reference to the school badge) that will go on burning, brighter than ever, in all the years to come.
David Clarke ‘82
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