Each term, OPGA organises alumni guest speakers as part of the School's careers and learning programs. Our students benefit greatly from these opportunities and love hearing about our alumni stories from their time at school!
There are many ways to get involved this term and beyond some of which are listed below. Alternatively, you can join our general speaker database. OPGA reach out to this database regularly and share specific dates/events that our alumni may like to volunteer for.
Please reach out with any questions. We would love your participation!
Year 9 Pathways Program:
This program asks speakers to share their career journeys with a particular focus on the lessons of resilience, persistence, motivation and courage.
The focus can be on career choices and paths taken in life or perhaps other life events that shaped your decision making process since leaving school. We aim to inspire through story telling.
Careers Days and 'Lunch and Learn' program:
The annual OPGA Connecting Careers Day and newly launched 'Lunch and Learn' Program is aimed at our Pre-Senior and Senior School students (Years 9 to 12).
The Connecting Careers day is run in March each year and brings together 30-40 alumni speakers to share their career journeys. Students opt in to various industry sessions, hearing from a panel of industry speakers across the afternoon.
The Lunch and Learn program is for smaller group sizes (10 -20) and is delivered in a class room setting. These are co-facilitated by our Careers Team and focus on a specific role or industry. Interested students can opt in to these sessions during lunch time and involve an informal, mentoring style approach with Q&A strongly encouraged.
This program is aimed at Grades 5 and 6, where interests in different areas of design are encouraged through various learning experiences. We are looking for either alumni interviewees or speakers who:
- Work in interior design (in general, although we’re ultimately focussing on the design of learning spaces).
- Work in computer game design.
- Work with textiles i.e. sewing and/fashion design.
- Work with the design of toys, furniture, clothing or food for animals.
- Works or involved in manufacturing and design of sports clothing or equipment.
If this sounds like you, please reach out!
Special topic presentations:
At assemblies across the school or for specific celebration days in the learning calendar (STEM Week, Book Week etc) we look for guest speakers who are willing to share their story, tips and advice about a particular topic. We have had actors, sporting legends, pilots, leaders in science, builders, you name it!
If any of the above sound like something you can volunteer for, please SIGN UP HERE! Alternatively, send an email to opga@pgs.vic.edu.au for more info.
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Issue 4